(Can be any Neutral Alignment)

Mercenaries have always been the backbone of the world around us. They come in many forms, and odd assortments. Mercenaries vary from person to person. One may be such as a hired killer, or thug. While another may be hired to guard a specific place, or person. Merc's come from all over and range from the most of Noble blood, to the biggest crime lords. Whoever they are, money is their highest motivation. One does not see a Merc working for his or her own good will, but instead working for the highest dollar that can be made. Money for them, is what makes the world go round. Mercs are generally not trusted among any social groups because of their willingness to do whatever it takes to make a gold piece, and will turn on whomever to achieve this.

Fade, Detect Traps, Move Silently (Roll off of Assassin Dex Chart)

Level 3: the Mercenary gains an uncanny ability to determine a wealth of their prospect or client. This ability at first may seem useless, but determining who may have the better wealth can lead up to riches beyond imagination. (+6 to a Wis roll to determine wealth of a player)
Level 5: The Merc gains the ability to know his surroundings. In doing so, he/she may 'blend' in to ones natural environment to successfully help guard an artifact, sneak up on the person to kill, or in that nasty scenario: flee from dangers beyond measure. (+ 2 defense)
Level 7: The Merc has been around long enough to try and swindle his or her client into paying more for his or her services than what needs to be paid. (Must make on a Charisma roll. When used on a player, they get a -4 to resist charm)
Level 8: The Mercenary has become so persuasive he will receive a 10% discount at vendors.
Level 10: The Merc may try his hand of luck at trying to change the views of the ones around him to gain their temporary trust to aid him in his doings. (+3 to Charm).
Level 13: Call them sidekicks, friends, or merely peons, but at this skill level the Merc has gained enough reputation to gain an ally to aid him in any adventure he may come across. (A 1D4 will be determined for level of NPC ally, and this person will gain one level per 3 of Merc)
Level 15: A Merc may master any weapon of his or her choice. Giving the certain weapon +3tht+5 to dmg and crit range is 27-30.
Level 20: This is the skill level of a Master Mercenary. The Merc gains one last final ability, Vengeance. This attack lets the Merc not only deal subdual damage, but also it adds Fire, Ice, and Lightning to their attacks. Giving them the ultimate edge against any whom they are paid to thwart off. (Fire, Ice, and Lightning damage 1d10 a piece and may be used all at the same time. However this may only be used twice a day)
